For some reason, generally thought because of Spartacus’ raids on villages, he was captured by Roman Army and sold into slavery.
Years As A Slave
He became a gladiator at Capua. Basically, he was forced to fight other slaves to entertain Romans. Day by day, he built a reputation among Roman Empire. Therefore, people wanted to see Spartacus in bigger fights. He killed lots of animals, notorious gladiators, violent criminals. In the end, Spartacus got tired and looked for ways to escape. With the leadership of two Gauls, Crixus, Oenamus and Spartacus, they killed slave master and his men.
In 73 BC, with seventy gladiators, Spartacus escaped from the gladiator school. They took a path to Mount Vesevuis, on the way, other runaway slaves joined the rebellion. Roman Empire underestimated the slave army and sent 3,000 soldiers. The rebellious slaves nearly killed all of them. Following, Roman Empire sent 6,000 men, the slaves defeated the military forces again. As rebellious slaves continued to have victories against the Roman Empire, more slaves began to leave their owners and joined the army. They got bigger every passing day. At last, the army is believed to have 70,000-120,000 men.
Final Battle
Spartacus, after all these victories, wanted to cross the Alps and escape from Rome but another commander of the army, Crixus, chose to attack Rome. 30,000 men followed Crixus, they invaded the countryside and fought until they are defeated and killed. On the other side, Spartacus, for an unknown reason, turned South, instead of crossing Alps. A commander of Roman Army, Marcus Crassus, was sent meet them. After a pursuit between armies, Marcus Crassus and his army defeated the slaves. Spartacus was killed but his body wasn’t found.
The gallant warrior’s story has become an inspiration for next generations. Many books were written, many movies and series were made later.